How to Register
Please read this description of how to register for Furway 2024, either if you’ve been to Furway before or if it’s your first time - registration will happen a bit differently this year
When the countdown timer reaches 0, on March 1st 20:00 CET, it will turn into a clickable button, which will lead you to an external ticket provider.
There you will be met with this box:
Scrolling down a bit will take you to the following section, where you designate and reserve your desired ticket type (clicking “Start registration” will also take you to this section):
Make sure to click the plus button for your desired ticket type as soon as possible! This will reserve the chosen ticket type for you. The availability will update in real time, telling you if there are available slots left or if there’s a waiting list.
Ticket add-ons (including Early arrival and Late departure, merchandise, dietary needs, etc.) are added afterwards. These additional fields can be changed at a later date, but in order to do so you will have to contact the convention.
Good luck! We hope to see you at Furway!